697303cd-9942-485a-b1d5-a732318179a7's Profile
Entertaining Horror/Thriller for mature teens
Overall, I would say this film is the least obscene/vulgar in the trilogy, with the only sex scene lasting for about 20 seconds at the beginning of the film. There is also some references to porn and some non-sexual nudity. There is a scene containing exotic dancing (not very graphic), and there is a part where the protagonist reveals her chest off-screen. There is also some intense gore and references to the real serial killer, “the night stalker”. Smoking, Drinking, and Drugs and plenty of profanity. I would say mature teens 15+ could handle this as it is not obscenely inappropriate.
Bizarre and Darkly Hilarious
This movie is DEFINITELY not for everyone but personally, i really enjoyed this! There is a 20ish second sex scene in the second story and some non-sexual top-less nudity in part 3. There is a brief assault scene with no nudity in part 3 as well. Some shots of wounded animals.