Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Female-led Star Wars game; intense action, moral decisions
Enjoyable expansion adds more depth and violence.
Classic RPG remake is more inclusive and more fun.
Feisty fantasy RPG has bloody combat and sexual scenes.
Peach proves there's more to her than gowns and crowns.
Violent adventure game about revenge; tons of blood & gore.
Fun but flawed horror remake serves tons of violence.
Remaster of popular series has violence and stereotypes.
Fun but short puzzle game; a bit pricey.
Action adventure game full of fighting, not blood and gore.
Sci-fi shooter game is fun but gory and violent.
Violent superhero action game is a real misfire.
Fun, polished but violent game in 'Dragon' franchise.
Pokémon-like game with weapons and violence.
Horror game remaster is compelling but very violent.
Action game based on film has powerful themes; violence.
Fun and silly collection of mini games; some potty humor.
Nostalgic game encourages teamwork and sharing.
Teen-friendly superhero game is exciting and inclusive.
Multiplayer indie game is fun, but not for kids.