Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Dark Arthurian series finale stresses friendship, courage.
Uneven fantasy about 1893 expo has peril, drinking.
Dark Arthurian fantasy series off to an uneven start.
Hot and tired pooch finds relief in cute summertime story.
Family memories ease the pain of moving in sweet tale.
Insightful, sweet, funny, exciting exploration of book bans.
Beautiful fantasy about girl's quest for safety, power.
Thoughtful middle-grade mystery explores truth and honesty.
Moving WWII graphic novel has loss, offers hope for future.
Poignant story of Puerto Rican girl adapting to life in U.S.
Boy saves animals and his family in fun environmental tale.
Kind, horsey story spotlights adoption and empathy.
Charming, funny series finale comes full circle.
Boy who's different promotes kindness in fresh empathy tale.
Great reference books on many topics for young readers.
Strong heroine leads the adventure in fairy tale revamp.
Exquisite tale of Polish girl in WWII shows horrors of war.
Exciting, funny, fractured fairy tale of boy vs. giants.
Charming family series spotlights Batty in 4th volume.
Compelling teen romance tackles suicide, finds hope.