Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Fantastic, fiery feminist fantasy finale.
Unforgettable story of foster teens and second chances.
Steamy romance, great female hero excuse overstuffed story.
Chases, fighting, in playful, creative book character romp.
Older characters, more romance in powerful series finale.
Colorful, fascinating portraits of 50 kids in 50 states.
Absorbing, mature murder mystery with lesbian teen sleuth.
Aven takes on high school, bullies in heartfelt sequel.
Fiendish puzzles, suspense in gripping series offshoot.
Witch-human war escalates in dramatic graphic novel sequel.
Sequel is all forbidden romance and bloodshed, no story.
Exciting adult High Fae love story has sex, gore, language.
Plant-loving loner finds pals in fun friendship tale.
Plot twists, moral dilemmas in wild tale of con man's kid.
Sexy, feminist page-turner of a dark romantic fantasy.
Harrowing, hopeful tale of overwhelmed, abandoned tween.
Series finale thrills, chills, and answers questions.
Epic West African fantasy finale is both brutal and hopeful.
Exciting series ender has robot, kraken, wild revelations.
Engaging duology finale has goth love story, faerie magic.