Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Older characters, more romance in powerful series finale.
Witch-human war escalates in dramatic graphic novel sequel.
Beautiful bedtime book sparks kids' sense of wonder.
Loads of laughs as unruly dog strives to protect his people.
Magical hijinks and light peril in this fun, witchy webtoon.
Funny, poignant tale of friendship, dementia, storytelling.
Exciting Pacific Island fantasy has dragons, some violence.
Rushed finale, but magical world still worth rooting for.
Poetic moments shine through story about loss and race.
Lovely illustrations and ABCs celebrate body positivity.
Sci-fi comic is packed with great jokes, fun history.
Harrowing, violent graphic novel of a city under siege.
Charming novel about food, friendship, family, & belonging.
Rain turns into wonder in a lovely, uplifting picture book.
Thought-provoking exploration of what matters most.
Violent, doomy tale mixes history, imagination, mystery.
Amazing book about COVID-19 is full of emotion and recipes.
Teen girl stalks popular couple in tepid thriller.
Thrilling tale highlights Filipino culture, perseverance.
Fantastic, sweeping, folklore-based fantasy epic.