Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Adaptation of hit Broadway musical tells witchy backstory.
Child actor's life story involved betrayal and violence.
Solid faith-based drama focuses on mentorship and hard work.
Graphic violence, language, drugs in action remake.
Drugs, sex, language in raunchy high school comedy.
Growing up is emotional in thoughtful sequel; some peril.
Drama about unlikely birds of a feather has grief, peril.
Language, drinking, innuendo in violent action thriller.
Crass language, nonstop violence in far-fetched comedy.
Friendship comedy with great cast has drugs, booze, sex.
Charming revisionist-history dramedy has language, brands.
Language, violence, drinking in slick heist film.
Sex, more gore and language in longer director's cut.
New cut adds 70 minutes and more gore, language, nudity.
Funny, tender coming-of-age dramedy; cursing, teen partying.
Violent, profane MCU threequel has odd-couple magic.
Swearing, drinking, violence in family melodrama.
Tyler Perry spoof light on laughs; language, comic violence.
Romance has suicide references, language, drinking.
Funny action sequel has language, violence, innuendo.