Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Fantastic, fiery feminist fantasy finale.
Dark Arthurian series finale stresses friendship, courage.
Unforgettable story of foster teens and second chances.
Older characters, more romance in powerful series finale.
Steamy summer romance has drinking, nudity, heartbreak.
Colorful, fascinating portraits of 50 kids in 50 states.
Absorbing, mature murder mystery with lesbian teen sleuth.
Aven takes on high school, bullies in heartfelt sequel.
Empathy, disability themes in lively middle school tale.
Murder, secrets, and a jewel heist in thrilling mystery.
Witch-human war escalates in dramatic graphic novel sequel.
Exciting adult High Fae love story has sex, gore, language.
Epic battle for peace in exciting sci-fi series finale.
Liberating gender-queer love story has violence, sex.
Chapter books focus on friendship, adventure, unicorn magic.
Spooky, exciting tale of girls tracking a murdering monster.
Plot twists, moral dilemmas in wild tale of con man's kid.
Teens take on abortion ban in stereotype-smashing novel.
Courage, action, and sentient AI in exciting sci-fi series.
Harrowing, hopeful tale of overwhelmed, abandoned tween.