Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Growing up is emotional in thoughtful sequel; some peril.
Steamy romance condemns domestic abuse; violence, language.
Drama about Champagne icon has sex, drug use, grief.
Violence, trauma, language in story of perseverance.
Sweet animated adaptation about losing a grandparent.
Stirring sports biopic takes on sexism; little iffy content.
Tween-friendly dance drama has some language.
Emotional drama about fostering kids has intense moments.
Fashion icon perseveres in engaging docu with mature themes.
Detailed docu shows dolls' broad and positive impact.
Docu about WNBA activism has language, violent references.
Christian music biopic focuses on overcoming adversity.
Intriguing Titanic drama aims to inspire; mild content.
Insightful but overlong biopic has sad deaths, prejudice.
High-flying docu has positive messages, some peril.
Heartfelt drama about dementia has language, bullying.
Dystopian action thriller chokes; gun violence, swearing.
Teens confront challenges in docu; mature themes, violence.
Animal docu stars Indian conservationists; some violence.
Teen girls show resilience and smarts in political docu.