Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Solid, simple tool kids can use to ask for help.
Whimsical audio tracks promote a peaceful bedtime routine.
Activity-tracking features make walking more festive.
Music meets breath for a biofeedback boost.
Private social network for yoga, meditation, connection.
Guided plans adjust to meet personalized mindfulness goals.
Disable distractions, set screen-use intentions with VPN.
Calm interactive stories transition from screens to sleep.
Mindfulness, Buddhist teachings; suicide, abuse mentioned.
Excellent for wellness; not just for COVID-19 or veterans.
Plainly packaged creative ideas for offscreen activities.
Simple, equipment-free exercise routines for all ages.
Punch up your public speaking with a virtual vocal coach.
Time-management tool can help kids form healthy habits.
Fun fitness experience motivates kids to move, offers ads.
Soothing sounds, stories introduce device to nightly ritual.
Engaging AI chat and wellness tools not for kids in crisis.
Mobile journal allows for introspection on the go.
Variety of mindfulness tools offers something for everyone.
Live meditation platform has little info, limited use.