Parents' Guide to

Kindness Is Contagious

Movie NR 2015 75 minutes
Kindness Is Contagious Poster Image

Common Sense Media Review

Tracy Moore By Tracy Moore , based on child development research. How do we rate?

age 9+

Warm, feel-good docu about being nice is uplifting.

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Parent and Kid Reviews

age 9+

Based on 1 parent review

age 9+

Good, down to earth documentary. Great to show in a Leadership class. Advance notice - guy who talks about Mon(k)day talks about his "sh*t-eating grin", but that's it!

Is It Any Good?

Our review:
Parents say: (1 ):
Kids say: Not yet rated

This documentary is not particularly slick or sexy; rather, it's a quiet, unassuming message that being a nice person benefits the individual, the community, and the world. But it's not only wishful thinking; studies show that altruism has benefits, and people prefer romantic partners who are nice, people who volunteer to help others live longer, and we put greater trust in people we believe to be genuinely nice. What's more, being kind at work leads to bigger pay raises and more promotions, and everyone is worse off when we follow narrow self-interest rather than simply taking a minute to help another person.

Though there isn't a lot visually here to make Kindness is Contagious sing, the biggest takeaway may be that kindness can be viral and that even the smallest acts of graciousness matter enormously. Some stories, such as the one about a music teacher whose neighbor loaned him a piano he desperately needed for his students, will not bowl you over, but they will remind you that little gestures mean a lot, especially when we all take those nice acts and pass them on to others. There are strong messages here for older kids with the attention span for the research and theories.

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