Media Choice
Great stories have the potential to entertain, enrich, and inspire.

Whether at home or in the classroom, families and teachers are looking for something that's not just appropriate for kids, but actually good. That's why we're committed to recommending age-appropriate media that kids can enjoy and families and teachers can feel good about: movies and books with diverse characters, made by diverse creators. Apps and games that don't collect kids' personal data. Great online learning activities. And so much more—all using our ratings based on research and child development guidelines.
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See how we're supporting media choice

Ratings and Reviews
Amplifying Women's Stories
This Women's History Month, we're celebrating the best stories that celebrate amazing women. Check out our recommendations.

Ratings and Reviews
Our New AI Ratings

How We Rate and Review
Our Impact

55% of our registered educators
at Common Sense Education use our edtech product privacy reviews to make informed choices and protect students.

42,000 reviews
Our editors have reviewed nearly 42,000 movies, TV shows, apps, video games, books, and podcasts for age appropriateness and quality.
Explore related work
Digital Equity
Access to technology—and the support and tools to use it—for kids, families, schools, and communities.
Digital Literacy and Citizenship
Habits and skills that give young people agency over their digital lives and help them succeed online and in life.
Tech Accountability
Public and private-sector reforms to safeguard privacy, minimize harm, and support healthy media and tech for all.
Healthy Childhood
Advice, research, and community outreach to support kids' mental, physical, and emotional health and build awareness of tech's effects on well-being.

Who we are
An independent voice for kids, families, and schools everywhere.
Common Sense is a nonprofit organization giving kids, families, and schools the tools to make informed choices about media and technology. Families know us for our independent, age-based reviews of movies, TV shows, books, games, and apps. Educators use our free curriculum and edtech reviews to plan lessons and integrate technology into their teaching practice. At our core, we are a children's advocacy group. We draw on original research, industry expertise, and community partnerships to advocate for laws and policies that help kids thrive.