Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Growing up is emotional in thoughtful sequel; some peril.
Funny, tender coming-of-age dramedy; cursing, teen partying.
Coming-of-age tale remains hopeful despite heavy themes.
Heartfelt coming-of-age drama has heavy themes.
Coming-of-age docu has some mature themes, language.
Fact-based sports drama highlights the power of faith.
Halloween high jinks in live-action tale; mild peril.
Solid, sentimental fantasy about outcast teens has bullying.
Poignant, inspiring doc about shelter kids who learn ballet.
Book-based coming-of-age tale has language, crude humor.
Great songs, positive themes in sincere family comedy.
Faithful Blume adaptation explores puberty and religion.
Docu explores but doesn't explain anxiety; suicide mentions.
Like beloved author's books, terrific docu has frank talk.
Fantasy adventure has mythical beasts, peril, life lessons.
Musical adaptation has positive messages, some scares.
Kids break rules, face consequences in animated adaptation.
Well-meaning but uneven tween drama; death, lies, swearing.
1980s-set drama looks at privilege, prejudice; pot, cursing.
Suicide, bullying in moving coming-of-age anime.