Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Great for dancing, socializing -- but some mature lyrics.
Catchy beat, but too many moves you've seen before.
Familiar but fun dance routine with a few new steps.
Remade indie adventure focuses on desolation, exploration.
Fun dance game pushes you off couch; pay for new songs.
Lively dance action, but too much pressure to spend, share.
Karaoke game based on popular show fun but content-limited.
Updated game doesn't add much but still gets you moving.
Family-friendly soccer sim with advanced graphics, physics.
Simple collection of fantasy mini-games based on the film.
Short, tedious party game designed to promote Barbie dolls.
Blends fitness and dancing with kid-friendly choreography.
TV-show-based combat game without blood or gore.
Fun fitness dancing game not very original.
Subpar platformer will appeal only to brand's loyal fans.
The birds are back with puzzle game spin-off for TVs.
Get kids going with family-friendly dances and songs.
Overly simplistic, tedious tie-in to the cartoon.
Fun, kid-friendly action game tied to major cultural icons.
Simple, unimaginative action brawler extends the TV show.