Parents need to know that Pam & Tommy is a biographical drama based on the mid-'90s romance between Pamela Anderson (Baywatch) and Tommy Lee (Mötley Crüe), which notoriously culminated in the leak of a private sex tape that became extremely popular online. Predictably, the series contains a lot of sexual content, including nudity, simulated sex, and simulated masturbation. The couple were also celebrated for their hard-partying lifestyle, and alcohol, cigarettes, and cocaine are used throughout the series. In real life, Anderson and Tommy Lee came off as slightly more sympathetic than they do in this version of the story, which focuses more on the sensational aspects of the story and characters than on why they might be relevant to viewers nearly 25 years later.
Sex scenes like characters naked and groaning on each other. Swearing.
There were a lot of graphic sex scenes and lots of swearing. Implied and graphic sex is in this. Characters are naked and lying on top of each other groaning. Sebastian Stan has a scene with discussion about his penis and shows it briefly. Uses word penis twice. Lots of swearing using the words “fvck” and “sh1t”
I don’t recommend for anyone under 13 or at least anyone who hasn’t had sex education/the talk.
If you are a Sebastian fan this is a good movie for you but personally I didn’t enjoy this movie as much as I hoped I would.
Tbh the show is really boring but anyway, about the age raiting, its not as worse as your making this, not lot of sex stuff and just 1 nudity part (sabastian peins but not really graphic and kinda hidden
What's the Story?
PAM & TOMMY's title characters were D-list celebrities before a private sex tape they made was stolen and leaked online in the early days of the internet. The series fleshes out the story around that tape, from the contractor who leaked it as revenge for an unpaid bill to the massive effect it had on pop culture, not to mention the couple's lives, careers, and relationship.
A decent rule of thumb for biographical series is: Are they more fun than simply pulling up the subject's Wikipedia page and reading it? Pam & Tommy takes a story that fascinated people for years and adds almost nothing to it other than runtime. That's not to say it's not fun. There are plenty of solid performances, from a nearly unrecognizable Seth Rogen to Lily James' impersonation of Pamela Anderson. Sebastian Stan's depiction of Tommy Lee might be more compelling if he had more to do than just be obnoxious, but that's essentially the deal with the whole series, which paints its subject matter in broad strokes and ends up somehow making the characters even less likable than they were in real life.
Talk to Your Kids About ...
Families can talk about the scandal at the center of the show. How would you react to your private media being spread online against your will? What steps can you take to keep your private media private?
What's interesting about the Pam & Tommy story? Why is it worth making a TV series out of this story? How is it relevant to contemporary culture?
How does the show present its characters? Does it seem to like or dislike them? How does it seem to want the audience to feel about Pamela and Tommy?
Research shows a connection between kids' healthy self-esteem and positive portrayals in media. That's why we've added a new "Diverse Representations" section to our reviews that will be rolling out on an ongoing basis. You can help us help kids by
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