Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Female-led Star Wars game; intense action, moral decisions
Enjoyable expansion adds more depth and violence.
Classic RPG remake is more inclusive and more fun.
Feisty fantasy RPG has bloody combat and sexual scenes.
Peach proves there's more to her than gowns and crowns.
Action adventure game full of fighting, not blood and gore.
PokƩmon-like game with weapons and violence.
Remake of classic game blends nostalgia with modern play.
Nostalgic game encourages teamwork and sharing.
D&D inspired game has plenty of violence, nudity and sex.
Turn-based tale suffers from boring play, bad jokes.
Fantastic role-playing game for adventure fans.
Music game is a love letter to Final Fantasy fans.
Compelling strategy game lets players set the stakes.
Excellent mature adventure full of sex, violence, profanity.
Role-playing game is deep on skills, but light on story.
Space opera meets medieval fantasy in epic fashion.
Cult classic crossover gets a (inter)stellar sequel.
Stellar point-and-click adventure reboot has humor, puzzles.
Fantasy open-world game brings a new age of Disney to life.