Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Fairly engaging companionship app teaches relatable skills.
Constant push for bought upgrades limits strategy game fun.
Spooky, impressive imagery outweighs minor design flaws.
Waiting periods make playing feel more aimless than active.
Intellectually stimulating, fun business and finance primer.
Levels don't vary, so it's a fairly average workout world.
Brooding, atmospheric tale with an emotional takeaway.
Subtle, yet constant extra purchase pressure is in store.
Puzzles and tasks don't quite serve up gourmet gameplay.
Monetary requirements result in minor bark, mostly no bite.
Interesting concept hampered by pay-to-play delays.
Island building adventure is fun in shallow bite-size bits.
Similar action scenes don't offer intrigue in card game.
Ample activities, ranging from bustling building to battles.
Smart task building game with plenty to do.
Clever premise can be confusing but ultimately offers fun.
Steady pace sadly gives way to lengthy pay-to-play pauses.
Pressure to spend detracts from a promising premise.
No-frills graphics, gameplay -- and an adequate experience.
More tasks are needed to give kids the feels in this sim.