Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Outstanding anime series explores fate, is super gory.
Action-packed sci-fi has sex, violence, language.
Thrilling sci-fi action sequel has violence, language.
Sequel is basically one long, violent chase scene.
Good idea devolves into repetitive action, tons of violence.
Sixth Terminator film is a violent but dull reboot.
Lovely and well worth sharing with your family.
Formulaic military action thriller has violence, language.
First PG-13 Terminator is loud, explosive, and dark.
Bland, confusing strategy game released too late.
Brief, movie-based shooter game delivers bloodless violence.
Exciting sci-fi saga has fewer chases, more drama.
Stylish but violent, empty attempt at a modern film noir.
Laugh-free black comedy about revenge against men.