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You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment

You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment TV show poster: Twins in blue and red tanks look at each other while eating.

Common Sense Media Review

Melissa Camacho By Melissa Camacho , based on child development research. How do we rate?

age 13+

A health docu with strong pro-vegan themes; references porn.

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age 17+

Based on 4 parent reviews

age 18+

Didn't even control calories, protein or exercise. Propaganda

Leaving aside the complete propaganda and set of advertisement segments that others have already commented on (ie, skip all episodes except some of the last episode), this was scientifically flawed. It should have done this as an absolute minimum : Prescribed equal amounts of calories to the two groups. Prescribed equal amounts of protein to the two groups. And this as a desirable : A control group that only does exercise but eats what they like. The fact that it was picked up that they all ate different amounts of calories and did different amounts of exercise (proving they're not genetically identical anyway) was a total giveaway. The varying results about muscle mass, again, were partly exercise dependent. There was no dramatic or consistent fat loss result. Having said that, the improvement in vascular health (not referring to cholesterol, but other markers) was interesting. The common sense take on that is that it's vegetables that improve things, not a lack of meat that improve things. Meat is good in other ways. When they measured lean mass and it shrunk - a lot of that is the heart and liver, not a good thing. Hence the blanket idea that we eat too much meat or protein being silly. It's an individual thing. The true points for enquiry here would be an exploration of how insignificant or significant diet is compared to the effect of getting extremely fit, and how individual diets can sustain that. The talomeres aspect was also very interesting and it was potentially credible - but without the controls on calories, protein, and exercise intensity, as well as stepped up exercise (they could have used one of the two gym goers for that), it was pretty meaningless. Why didn't they experiment with male arousal as well as female? Bizarre and another example of begging for criticism.
age 18+

Not an objective study, very biased

I loved the premise of this series and was truly interested in the outcome. Yet, as i watched, it was so biased and almost like propaganda . So, I know the outcome without having to watch the series. Too bad.. they should have been objective and just conducted the experiement and gave the conclustion. I didn't finish the series it was too biased and i wouldn't trust the findings.

Is It Any Good?

Our review:
Parents say: (4 ):
Kids say: Not yet rated

The decidedly pro-vegan docuseries contextualizes the call for a plant-based diet by using a science experiment, and by showing the negative impact eating meat and dairy has on our bodies and our planet. It discusses how the U.S. population has been conditioned to believe that meat and dairy products are necessary food staples, and how increased consumption of them has led to health epidemics, deforestation, and other environmental calamities. However, it does not spend a lot of time discussing what vegan diets may lack, or other genetic factors that can play a part in our health. It also glosses over the fact that the director of the Twins Nutrition Study (TwiNS) runs a plant-based initiative, and that the study is being funded by a vegan food company. Nonetheless, if you can get past these conflicts of interest, it does offer some interesting information about vegan vs. omnivore diets, and how to think about weight gain, fat, and muscle. Of course, seeing how the test subjects fared is entertaining. You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment shouldn't be a source of medical or nutritional advice, but it may get you thinking more about some of the foods you're consuming.

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