Parents' Guide to

Hook's Daughter: The Untold Tale of a Pirate Princess: The Pirate Princess Chronicles, Book 1

Book R.V. Bowman Fantasy 2018
Hook's Daughter book cover: Rommy stands in silhouette with sword in front of full moon; pirate ship sits in water below her

Common Sense Media Review

Carrie R. Wheadon By Carrie R. Wheadon , based on child development research. How do we rate?

age 8+

Slight but sweet trip to Neverland swaps villains.

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Parents say: Not yet rated
Kids say: Not yet rated

The softer side of Captain Hook comes out in this slight but sweet trip to Neverland with Rommy, a sheltered, headstrong girl who calls him Papa. Rommy has no idea her dad is a villain, and in this story, he comes off as less of a serious baddie and more a caretaker of a group of unruly pirates he needs to keep in line. Meanwhile, Pan is the one no one really trusts, not even his friend Finn who's sent to fetch Rommy from the real world. Readers may be confused about whose side to take and author R. V. Bowman doesn't make it easy for them to decide.

The balance of the story is also off. Since there's no focus on the real world at the end of Hook's Daughter, there was no need to set up Rommy's school and friendships and rivalries so thoroughly. We are ten chapters in before she even sneaks out to find her father. And, as it should, the story builds toward a meeting between Rommy and Daddy Hook. But when that meeting happens, readers get very few answers about why he's even in Neverland -- was he always Captain Hook, even when Rommy was born? While there are two more books in this series, the amount of mystery left at the end of this volume keeps it from feeling complete.

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